USA Hiking Database
Neue Wanderungen New Hiking Trails
Unsere neuesten USA Wanderungen
Jährlich, also wenn keine Pandemie dazwischen kommt, fahren wir in die USA und frönen unserem Hobby. Wandern und fotografieren, das ist unser Ding. Die USA Hiking Database erweitert sich deshalb stetig um neue Wanderungen.
Nachfolgend findest Du die neuesten Hikes und andere wichtigen Ergänzungen, um loszuwandern. Der direkte Link zur Wanderung ist hinterlegt; daher genügt ein Klick und schon bist Du up-to-date!
Our latest USA hikes
Annually, that is, if no pandemic intervenes, we go to the USA and indulge in our hobby. Hiking and photography, that's our thing. The USA Hiking Database is therefore constantly expanding with new hikes.
Below you will find the latest hikes and other important additions to get hiking. The direct link to the hike is stored; so just one click and you are up-to-date!
Hikes 2024 | Wanderungen 2024
Lakes Trail - Snowy Range [Medicine Bow National Forest] UPDATE
Medicine Bow Peak Loop - Snowy Range [Medicine Bow National Forest]
Half Moon Lake - Pole Creek - Fayette Lake [Bridger National Forest]
White Owl Canyon - Las Vegas Bay [Lake Mead National Recreation Area] Trail
Hikes 2023 | Wanderungen 2023
Santa Fe Overlook and Deception Peak Loop [Santa Fe National Forest]
Square Top Loop [Cave Lake State Park - Humboldt National Forest]
Mount Shasta - Helen Lake via Avalanche Gulch [Shasta Trinity National Forest]
Mount Shasta - Green Butte und Old Ski Bowl Trail [Shasta Trinity National Forest]
Eagle Falls - Eagle Lake - Bayview Trail [Eldorado National Forest]
Chimney Rock und Elephant Seal Overlook [Point Reyes National Seashore]
Hikes 2022 | Wanderungen 2022
Toadstool Geologic Park and Campground [Oglala National Grassland]
Lovers Leap Butte - Wagon Wheel Trail [Fort Robinson State Wildlife Area]
Black Elk aka. Harney Peak Trail und Little Devils Tower Trail [Custer State Park - Black Hills]
Devils Backbone Open Space Trails - Wild Loop Trail and Morrison Loop Trail [Loveland]
Lybrook Fossil Area aka. Lybrook Badlands - Zwei Hikes [San Juan Basin]
Kitchen Mesa Trail from Ghost Ranch [Carson National Forest]
Chimney Rock Trail from Ghost Ranch [Carson National Forest]
Spanish Cave and The Eye [Charons Garden Wilderness - Wichita Mountains]
Charons Garden Wilderness Trail [Charons Garden Wilderness - Wichita Mountains]
Grab Eyes Trail [Charons Garden Wilderness - Wichita Mountains]
Hocking Hills State Park [Upper Falls, Lower Falls, Old Man's Cave, Cedar Falls, Ash Cave]
Cuyahoga Valley National Park [Standford House, Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath, Boston, Brandywine Falls]
Mount Rushmore Presidential Trail [Mount Rushmore National Memorial]